Why Is Anime So Weird
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Now that you kind of have an idea of what anime is, here's why anime is not as weird as you think. The drawing and art styles are beautiful. Every show has a different style, and there are so many unique and intricate art styles. Look at this scene from sword art online and tell me that it does not look amazing.
That is the question answered in this video. Absolutely, some anime are cheesy and cringy. Anime nerds are used to jumping into highly fictionalized shows and use their imaginations much more regularly than your average person. As a result, they’re generally much more creative and open minded than others. They explore meaningful concepts regularly. One reason that anime has garnered so many fans is that it is not afraid to get weird. From the characters to the plots to even the art style, there are some oddities out there. There are scenes in anime you would never see in an american cartoon. Mature content in anime is common and since it's animated, the sky is the limit in terms of imagination.